Hello there, I’m Douglas.

I really enjoy coding, from client or server side with python or JavaScript, to science fields such as Data Science, Data Engineering, optimization and deep learning.

  • Creation of a API REST, capable to do selling forecast of products and an automatic inventory estimate.

  • Experience

  • Data Scientist Nov 2018 - Aug 2019
    Armazem PB

  • Researcher Jun 2018 - Present
    Lab of Digital Video Applications
  • Education

  • Scholarship holder Nov 2018 - Nov 2019
    Tutorial Education Program

  • B.S. Computer Science Oct 2019
    UFPB - Federal University of paraiba
  • Tech Skills

  • Python, Flask, Django, Java, Android;

  • HTML, JavaScript, React, Nodejs, CSS, Bootstrap;

  • SQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, FireBase, MongoDB;

  • Hadoop ecosystem, Tensorflow, Sklearn