Armazem ParaĆba, as well as others retail companies, due to its size and size, has an Inventory Management system, which is continually being improved with new algorithms and business rules in order to maximize costs such as holding cost, transportation cost, shortage cost among others.
This time i integrate in the project by a creation of an API REST, Able to send the sales forecast of one or more products, along with a suggestion of moving the product over a time window, in order to satisfy that demand and minimize costs.
To ensure that the problems encountered in preprocessing not happen again, I also create a data pipeline to ensure a better environment for future data scientists manipulating these databases.
With the environment ready, I managed a series of methods looking for one that best fit
that sales problem for the data available to me. Among the machine learning methods used,
the ones that obtained the best results for this problem were XGBoost
and Arima.
After Sales forecasting, we calculate a moving suggestion, from the analysis of the
company's business rules and the use of optimization algorithms.
For Inventory Management system take these predictions and suggestions, I create an simple API REST, by microframework Flask, with just a few endpoints, to get the data to Sales Problem and post sales updates that go on over time.